Hello, I am Gina.
I am so delighted that you landed here.
I want you to feel seen. I really do. And if you have landed here, I have a sense of what you may be going through right now.
The feeling like a piece of you is lost. The feeling frustrated, trapped and guilty. The insecurity, the imposter syndrome. But to the external world, presenting the perfect finish. “On paper”, you have done everything “right”, you are probably what they call a “high-achiever”, have worked hard, you have achieved perceived success. On the inside, however, it is a different story. Like somehow your light has been dimmed, and you are not fully owning who you are meant to be.
The giving away of your power and boundaries, because you want people to like you. The desperate need for external validation. The lack of self-trust. The loss of identity.
The constant need to prove yourself and to protect yourself. The never feeling worthy enough or good enough…
The getting trapped by your internal negative narrative
The not being able to look at yourself in the mirror with kind words to say
The lack of energy. The loss of joy
The feeling of disconnection but the knowing that there MUST be something so much more.
The feeling like you are tethered to the past. Like life is passing you by…
The feeling stuck.
Does this resonate with you?
Is this way of life exhausting you? Are you ready to change this?
I am here to show you that there is so much more, and there really is a different way.
A way where you reclaim your fierce, know that you are ENOUGH and stand in your power so that your normal is feeling vibrant, sexy and happy!
A way where doing the inner emotional and mindset work, translates into the external results in your life, career, business and relationships.
A way where you become the undeniable source of your own strength and power, so that you can activate your self-belief and confidence with ease and grace.
A way where you learn how to honour and work with the full spectrum of your emotions and your energy – the dark and the light- so that you achieve balance and calm.
A way where you feel connected in with your body, your heart and your soul, so that you feel joyful and energised within yourself, your relationships and your career or business.
A way where you feel grounded and happy with who you are now with clarity and contentment about where you are going.
A way where you heal and integrate everything about your past and who you are so that this becomes your springboard to your next level of peace and growth
A way where you learn to trust yourself and BE that change that you want to see in the world, so that you can create your legacy and become the pioneering leader of your life.
To help you achieve this I use a tailored methodology combining aspects of positive psychology; mindset science; life, leadership, career and business coaching; strategy and spirituality; and emotional energy work in a private and intimate 1-1 container where you are held and supported to fully express you, your needs and desires in a judgement-free, safe and loving space.
It has been fantastic to have a sounding board, someone who doesn’t judge but who challenges you to stretch for those goals that you should be setting yourself. Her depth of experience not only as a coach but also as a strong female executive means you are talking to an equal and someone who understands where you are coming from.
Ella de Beer
Director, Electric Mayonnaise
Working with Gina over a 6 week period was illuminating and propelled me forwards in a really positive way. She pushed me out of my comfort zone through our discussions and gave me practical tools to work on my personal confidence and business goals. As a result I have developed a clear path forward for my business, made focused plans for achieving my life goals and can honestly say I’ve overcome the mum guilt and imposter syndrome.
Helen Shellabear (MRICS)
Director, Shellwin Limited
I have experienced more shifts and personal growth in 6 weeks working with Gina than I have in 10 years of therapy. I cannot wait to see where we get to working together for 12 months.
Human Resources Director
Global Financial Institution
Gina Unterhalter is a catalyst for change, for creating legacy and for self-discovery. She helps women, leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers be the change that they want to see in the world for us and for the next generation so that collectively together we can make the world a better place.
Her magnetic energy, optimism, realism and honorable wisdom creates an instant bond of trust with clients.
Gina strikes the perfect balance between the spiritually awakened and the high-level business world, making her stand in a league of her own in the coaching world.
What she brings to the table, what she empowers her clients to achieve, is absolutely unparalleled. Every single movement is made with absolute refinement and consideration, to inspire her clients to create their legacy.
work with me
Mini breakthrough session
1:1 bespoke coaching
Vip accelerator day
Numerology reading